As is now well known, not only operators and/or distributors, but also end-users owning electricity production plants with installed power greater than 20kWp, and therefore assimilated to electricity workshops, need to report to the Customs Agency in order to pay the incentives.

What few people know, however, is that the tax counter imposed by the Customs Agency, on which all of the plant’s production is counted, must be calibrated periodically: this is the responsibility of the plant operator.

The checks to be carried out on energy measurement complexes are subdivided as follows:

Calibration in the Laboratory: the components constituting the measuring assembly must be calibrated and certified in the laboratory under dummy load.

Field Calibration: After being certified in the laboratory, the unit is installed on site and its correct insertion is certified with the system in operation, thus it is called real-load calibration.

The on-site verification must be repeated periodically:

    • every five years for electrodynamic meters (G.D. Circular Prot. no. 0370/VIII of 15 December 1953);
    • every three years for static ones (Ministry of Finance Circular No. 28/D of 26 January 1998).

In order to verify and certify measuring complexes with fiscal value, it is necessary to request the intervention of a company that meets certain requirements, which can issue the certificate with a revenue stamp to be delivered to the competent Customs Agency.

In order to avoid a financial penalty of between €500.00 and €3,000.00 due to the non-renewal of the calibration/certification of the aforementioned measuring complexes, our company will notify the customer reasonably in advance, who will then inform the competent territorial Customs Agency, which will decide whether to preside over the verification or issue the authorisation to proceed directly.

Grimaldi Energia, using its own technicians and highly specialised affiliated structures, is able to cope with any need in the energy field.

Below are some of the services we are able to provide:

    • Calibration and certification of LV-MT-AT energy meters;
    • Calibrations on Voltage transformers up to 380KV and Current transformers up to 6000A;
    • Calibration of Protection Systems and Interface Relays CEI 0-16, CEI 0-21;
    • Measurement and Certification of Earthing Installations;
    • Troubleshooting, fine-tuning, functional checks on all Low, Medium and High Voltage measurement systems. 

Contact us to request a quote.